Retirement options and support

When it comes to retirement, we'll support your employees to help them understand the range of options available to them through our tools and support.

Retirement options

From age 55, or age 57 from 6 April 2028, employees can choose to:

  • Leave their pension savings invested.

    Their pot has the potential to continue growing tax-free - right up to the point they need to access the money. There is a risk that if stock markets fall the value of their pot could fall too.

  • Take one or more cash payments.

    Employees could withdraw some or all of their pension savings. The amount they take could impact the tax the pay, and won't provide them with a regular income.

  • Secure a guaranteed regular income.

    Also known as an annuity. Employees could use all, or just some of their pension savings to buy an annuity. This kind of income might provide a degree of reassurance for some employees.

  • Have flexible access to their pension savings.

    Also known as income drawdown, employees can use our Income Release option to withdraw money to provide a regular income. They’ll need to be careful to make sure their money lasts as long as they want it to.

Our retirement support

We believe customers enjoy better financial futures when they get access to financial advice but we appreciate it's not always possible for you to offer this to your employees. 

We'll support your employees when it comes to retirement by providing guidance to help them understand their options. We won't charge them to do this, and we'll always refer them to a financial adviser if they need professional financial advice. 

Helping employees plan for retirement

Employees don’t have to choose just one option when deciding how to access their pension savings. They can mix and match, taking cash and income at different times to suit their needs. Because approaching retirement can be complicated, we strongly recommend employees seek professional advice.