Our governance framework

At Royal London, we know that being upfront and honest is important - and rightfully so. That's why we're always working hard to ensure our business is run in a compliant manner, and that you - our customers and members - can easily find out more about how we do this whenever you want.

We're always aiming to ensure our standards of corporate governance are as high as they can be. The UK Corporate Governance Code sets out guidance in the form of principles and provisions on how companies should be directed and controlled to follow good governance practice. Whilst we are not required by any statute or regulation to apply the Code, the Board has voluntarily determined to comply with it.

One of the most important ways we try to ensure sound governance is by putting a range of policies and systems in place. These help us make sure the company is being well-managed with effective oversight and control in the interest of our members at all times.

The Board of Directors has appointed a number of committees to oversee and report back on Royal London's different activities so that they are always up to date with how the business is being run. Each committee is chaired by a Non-Executive Director, and has specific delegated responsibilities.

Want to know more about these committees? We've popped a few helpful links below to the terms of reference of each committee, which outline the committees' purpose and responsibilities. These links open in a new window.