Our Purpose shapes everything we do
Royal London is a purpose-driven mutual. Our Purpose ‘Protecting today, investing in tomorrow. Together we are mutually responsible’ is who we are and why we exist as an organisation. It guides our strategy, shapes our culture and informs our long-term response to trends that influence members, customers, intermediaries and society.
Protecting today, investing in tomorrow. Together we are mutually responsible.
Our Purpose sets out the positive outcomes we want to achieve by using our mutuality for good:
Helping build financial resilience
We help build the financial resilience of customers and support those in wider society.
Moving fairly to a sustainable world
We use our position as a responsible investor to imagine, invest, engage and influence progress on wider social priorities.
Strengthening the mutual choice for customers
We will continue to be the leading advocate of mutuality in our sector.
We are committed to our strategy
Our strategy is to be an insight-led, modern mutual growing sustainably by deepening customer relationships.
- Through a clear strategy, underpinned by our Purpose, we create value for the benefit of our stakeholders
- We provide high-quality solutions that support good customer outcomes
- We help customers to save and invest for the future and to protect themselves and their families against potential life shocks.