Declaration of compliance

You must complete a declaration of compliance to tell The Pensions Regulator what you've done to comply with your employer duties.

The deadline for your declaration of compliance will be five months after your auto enrolment start date. We'll tell you when your declaration of compliance is due. The Pensions Regulator (TPR) will also write to you.

What do I need to do?

  • Use this checklist from TPR (opens in new window) to collect the information you will need to complete your declaration of compliance.
  • Start to complete the declaration of compliance as soon as possible on TPR's website (opens in new window). Don't wait until you've received your worker information to start. 
  • We'll create a task to let you know when the information you require about your workers is available on our online service for auto enrolment. It will be available six weeks after your auto enrolment start date or, if your scheme uses postponement, on the first pay cut-off date following the end of the postponement period.  


We'll create a task in online service for auto enrolment when the information is available. Click the link labelled Declaration of compliance in this task to access the information. 

No, you should use the information we've provided on the declaration of compliance screen. This is because TPR need to know the information with effect from your staging date or the last day of your postponement period whichever is applicable.

The information we'll provide for your declaration of compliance is a snapshot of your workforce on your staging date or at the end of your postponement period, whichever applies to your scheme. Your workforce may have changed since then and the total number of workers you'll see on the dashboard or the workforce screen could be different from that on the declaration of compliance screen. You should always use the information on the declaration of compliance screen to complete your declaration.

We can only provide this information once you've assessed workers following your staging date or the end of the postponement period if your scheme has postponement. This could mean there is not much time between the end of your postponement period and your declaration deadline. It's a good idea to complete the rest of the declaration while you're waiting for your worker data.

If you have a question about completing your declaration of compliance, you should speak to TPR. There is a lot of additional information on their website (opens in new window). 

If you need to speak to us about the information we have provided, you should contact your Corporate Servicing Team. If you don't know who they are, you'll find their details by clicking the Contact us link at the top right of every screen in online service for auto enrolment. 

Ready to begin?

Go to TPR's website and start your declaration

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