I have changes to make
Making changes to your employee records is a two-step process. Once you've made changes, you must remember to confirm your updates.
We'll process your employee's statements as soon as we've received your final payment for the review period.
What you'll need
- Details of any amendments you have to make in a CSV file. You don't need to include details of workers who have no changes.
- Login details for your online service dashboard (opens in new window).
Step one: Making updates

1. Select 'Workforce' from the dashboard

2. Click 'Update Worker'
3. Update your data using a CSV file
You only need to have the data for the workers you need to update, not your entire workforce. The information you need is:
Mandatory fields
Optional fields

4. Upload your CSV file
- Click on 'Browse' to find your file.
- If you already have a template set up, you can choose the one you wish to update.
- Click 'Import'.
We explain what a template is next, but if you already know and are ready to review your updates, jump ahead to the next step.

A template allows you to keep workers in groups, for example head office and another location. This makes it easier to manage bigger schemes. When you make updates to your templates, only data that has changed will update. All other data will remain the same.
Use our guide (PDF) (opens in new window) to help you create a template or our online dashboard video 'Making contributions' shows you how if you're not sure.

Confirm headings for your template
The headings from your CSV file will pull through and will automatically match to the most relevant field.
Ensure the headings are pointing to the correct field. You'll need to do this for all mandatory fields.
Once you've mapped the mandatory fields, click 'Create Template' at the bottom of the screen to start importing the file.

1. Select 'Online Service'
Select 'Online Service' from the top right hand tab of the dashboard. If you don’t see this screen, skip to step 2.

2. Select 'Scheme Information' on the left hand side menu

3. Select 'Online Services'

4. Select 'Yearly Review Changes' on the left to begin

5. Confirm your changes
- Select 'Confirm all changes complete'.
- Click 'Continue'.