Online service dashboard videos

We've created this suite of short videos to help you run your scheme and keep you up to date with your tasks and employer duties.

Help and support

  • Our videos can help you better understand the online service dashboard. To make sure they're easy to follow, we've created a video for each of your tasks.
  • We'll walk you through your online service dashboard when your scheme starts. You can contact your dedicated scheme owner if you have any questions.

1. Intro to our online service dashboard

  • This video is a walk-through of the online service dashboard screen that you'll use to run your scheme.
  • It tells you what all the information on shown on the dashboard means and how it helps you meet your duties.

This video will give you an overview of our online service for Auto Enrolment.

You can access our system via the web at

Enter your username, and your password, and click login.

When you login, you'll see the dashboard.

This is the hub of our online service for auto enrolment. It organizes everything you need to do to manage your scheme and employer duties.

From here you can keep track of all the tasks you need to carry out and when, manage the workforce and make regular pension contributions.

Use the top menu.

Or the boxes on the right of the dashboard to navigate through the system.

Click the home tab on any page to return to the dashboard.

If you need help, there's a link to our user guide on the dashboard.

If you need to get in touch, you'll find a contact us button on every screen.

2. Telling us about leavers

  • This video will show you how to tell us about employees who have left your employment, died, or chosen to stop contributing to their pension plan
  • Tell us individually, or by importing a file.

In this video we’ll show you how to tell us about workers who have left employment, died or chosen to stop contributing to their pension plan.

You should tell us about leavers on a monthly basis.

You can tell us about leavers individually or by importing a file.

You can't tell us about leavers until they've left.

Tell us about a lever individually by going to Workforce and clicking on the worker's name.

Then click the link to mark them as a leaver.

On the next screen, select the reason and enter the effective date, then click save.

You can also tell us about leavers by importing their details in a CSV file.

Click the leavers tab to do this.

Here is the file import screen.

This is a CSV file.

You should provide at least one of the workers’ national insurance number, payroll reference number or date of birth so we can identify them in the system.

You must also tell us the leaving date and the reason for leaving.

If the headings in your CSV file don't match the fields in our system, you can create a template to map your headings.

For the purpose of this video, we'll show you how to create a new template. Tick the create new template box, and click import file.

This is the create template screen.

You should give the template a meaningful name.

We'll need to go through and select the fields that haven't been mapped.

In our example, national insurance number needs to be mapped. To map it, select the heading from the drop-down list.

You should do this for all the fields you need to map.

When you've mapped everything, click create template to import the file.

It's imported successfully, so click continue to proceed.

This is the review leaver screen. Click each tab to view the workers affected.

Here are the workers who will be updated.

One worker has chosen to stop contributions. Two workers have left employment and one worker is deceased.

At the bottom of the page there are workers, we have a query about.

Check their details, and re-import your file if necessary. For further help, see our user guide.

We can't match this worker on your file with our records.

This worker has a leaving date earlier than their start date.

We'll also tell you about workers we believe have already left.

When you're sure that the leavers are correct, click confirm leavers.

Click, return to homepage to return to the dashboard.

3. Managing your workforce

  • This video will show you how to update your workers details and how to opt them out of the pension scheme.
  • You can tell us changes to your workers details individually, or by file.

In this video we’ll look at managing your workforce.

We'll cover updating worker details and opting workers out. See our video on leavers to find out how to tell us about leavers.

Click View Workforce on the Dashboard or Workforce on the top menu to access Workforce.

Here, you can view your entire workforce.

You can use the boxes at the top to filter your workers.

You can update workers from the workforce screen.

Do this by importing a file or editing their details individually.

To import a file, click the Update Workers button.

You'll then see the import file screen. The process for importing a file is the same throughout our system.

Watch our video on adding workers for more information. Click choose file, and select the file.

Here's the CSV file.

You can import a file containing all your workers, and we'll identify the ones whose records have changed. Or you can just include those worker records that have been updated.

You can update the following worker details by importing a file: title, first name, last name, postal address details include postcode, work e-mail address, annual salary, and National Insurance number.

The file has been successfully imported. So click continue to proceed.

This is the review changes screen.

At the top of the page, we'll show you the updates which can't be made.

Click each tab to view the workers affected.

At the bottom of the page, we confirm the updates that will be made.

When you're happy that these are correct, click save updates to save the changes to the worker's records.

You'll then see confirmation that the updates will be made. Click return to workforce to return to the workforce screen.

Let's take a look at Edit Worker details.

There are three screens.

Use the Continue button to navigate through them.

Click Save and Close at the end to save your changes.

Click the worker's name to see what options are available for that individual worker.

For Jane Adams, we can opt her out and mark her as a leaver.

Jane has decided to opt out of the pension scheme.

She sent an opt out request to you, her employer - you need to tell us about this.

Click Opt Worker Out to enter her details.

Here, you can see the opt out declaration. Enter her opt out date. This must be within her opt out window.

Check to confirm you agree with the statements.

Click Update to opt the worker out.

This shows that the opt out request has been received. It shows the date Jane will be opted out.

Click return to workforce to finish.

4. Payroll updates

  • This video shows you how to make payroll updates. Payroll updates should be done after you've assessed your workers
  • You might need to make updates because someone has opted in, remains opted out, or has recently become eligible to join your pension scheme.

This video looks at payroll updates.

You should update your payroll after you've assessed your workers to ensure the correct deductions are made the next time you run your payroll.

Click update payroll on the dashboard.

This is the payroll update screen. There are four updates to make.

David Wilson has opted out, so his contributions are zero.

You will need to update your payroll otherwise a pension contribution will be deducted from David’s salary, which will then need to be refunded.

Jane Adams has opted in, so you should start deducting pension contributions from her start date.

The other two workers have been assessed as eligible job holders. You can see who's been enrolled and what pension contributions will be made for each worker.

You must ensure that you deduct the right contributions from worker’s salaries.

You should update these workers records in your payroll system. You can export the updates as a CSV file and import them into your payroll system or enter them individually.

Importing the updates in a CSV file reduces the risk of errors.

Here's the exported file.

When you've made the updates, you can tick the Mark all as done box.

5. Dashboard tasks

  • This video will show you how to manage your tasks and reminders, helping you keep track of what you need to do and when
  • See examples of how to complete your declaration of compliance, how to check for missing details and how to close tasks down once complete.

This video will show you how to manage your tasks and reminders.

Click due now to see a list of tasks that need to be completed now.

This is a task list.

Here you can keep track of what you need to do and when.

The first task tells you that the information for your declaration of compliance is now available. You must complete a declaration of compliance by five months after your staging date.

We'll provide information about your workforce to help you to do this. To see the information click Declaration of Compliance.

Here you will see the information the pension regulator requires about your scheme, and about your workforce.

When completing your declaration of compliance, you should use the figures on this screen rather than those on the dashboard. Click Continue to TPR site to go to The Pension Regulator's website and complete your declaration.

You can export your scheme details as a CSV file.

The CSV file gives you more detail, including a breakdown of your workforce by category.

Once you've completed your declaration of compliance, you can mark the task as done.

The task will be moved to the Done tab.

Here's a worker with missing details. His communications must be provided by the date shown on the screen.

Clicking the Provide Missing Details link takes us into Edit Worker where we can add the details.

There are no details missing on the first screen, so click Continue.

This is the Contact and Employment Details screen. Check the blank fields for missing details. Here details of his salary and earnings and the pay reference period are missing - we can add them here.

And now we're being asked for an effective date for the change. It’s important this is correct, as it will affect his auto enrolment date. In this case we'll select the date that he joined the company.

This is a results screen.

We've provided enough detail, and the worker will now be postponed. The message tells you that we will issue the communications. Click Save and Close to save these changes and return to the Task screen.

Now we can mark the missing details task as done by ticking this box, and it will be removed from the list.

Let's look at the other tasks.

Jane Adams has opted in, and David Wilson has opted out.

Payroll will need to be updated to reflect these changes.

Clicking update payroll will take you through to the payroll update screen.

We'll also create tasks to remind you when you need to assess workers, update payroll, and make a contribution.

You can set up when you'd like reminders to appear, to ensure you complete your tasks on time and continue to meet your employer duties.

To do this, click Admin and the top menu. Then reminder settings.

This is the Task Reminder settings screen.

Here you can choose when you receive reminders for regular tasks and change who will receive the e-mail reminders.

Click Save Changes to save your settings.

A message appears to tell you the changes have been saved successfully.