Online service guides and templates

Here you'll find information on how to use our online service. You'll also find templates that will help you complete tasks on your online dashboard.

If you have any queries or need further support, feel free to contact us.


Our suite of short videos can help you run your scheme and keep you up to date with your tasks and employer duties.

Online service dashboard videos

Make carrying out day-to-day tasks more straightforward when you watch our 'how to' videos.

Support guides

We've created a suite of downloadable guides to help you understand key pension topics so you and your employee can get the most out of the pension scheme.

An employer guide to salary exchange

This guide explains how salary exchange works and how it could help you and your employees save money.

Download the guide (PDF)

An employer guide to auto enrolment

This guide tells you more about auto enrolment, employer duties and what it means for you.

Download the guide (PDF)

Our guide to default investment

This guide outlines what you need to do to provide a suitable default for your scheme and how we can help.

Download the guide (PDF)

More helpful resources